Name of Prospective Client
First Name
Last Name
Name of Person Completing Form (*if different from prospective client information above*)
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Pronouns (Optional)
Something Else
Will you be living or residing in California at the time of your therapy services?
I am licensed in the state of California and located in San Jose, CA therefore I can provide virtual therapy to ALL California residents but only to California residents and I can provide in person therapy in San Jose, CA. **If you live or reside outside of CA at the time of therapy, I will not be able to work with you**
Who are you seeking therapy for?
A Loved One
Interested in Family Therapy
What is the age of the prospective client?
I specialize in working with folx 14 years or older. If you are looking for therapy for someone younger than 14, I would be happy to provide referrals.
Adult (18 years of age or older)
Minor (17 years of age or younger)
Do you prefer sessions be virtual, in person in San Jose, CA or a combination of both?
In Person
Are you available to meet for ongoing sessions between the hours of 9am-5pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays?
**I currently do not have evening (past 5pm) or weekend availability, if you need times outside of 9am-5pm or on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays, I will not be the right provider for you.
How often are you looking to have sessions?
For new clients, I require weekly or every 2 week meeting frequency to start. Once clients are established, there is flexibility to move to a different meeting schedule as needed. *This is in place in my practice to support consistency of care when starting out as there’s often a lot to accomplish for you to feel therapy is as helpful as it could be.
Every Other Week
I'm not sure what I need
Please keep in mind I am not in network with any insurance providers. Although I am private pay, some insurance providers will cover out of network services and reimburse. My rates are $250/50 min individual therapy sessions. For family therapy I offer 2 session structures $275/50 min or $315/90min. Are these fees within your budget for out-of-pocket cost for therapy?
I can run a free out of network insurance eligibility check through Thrizer to see if you are eligible for reduced copayment and reimbursement.
Yes, I can afford this fee fully out of pocket.
No, I cannot afford this fee fully out of pocket.
This may be affordable with use of out of network benefits. I’d like to check my out of network benefits eligibility during our consultation call.
What is currently bringing you to therapy?
How did you hear about Balanced Mind Therapy?
Psychology Today
Good Therapy
Google Search
Google My Business Page
Referral from another provider